Pedro hoz
Pedro Pablo Hoz Domínguez is a Spanish painter whose work has gained international recognition for his ability to blend surrealism with classical elements in a unique visual language. Since his early exhibitions, he has developed an aesthetic that combines aspects of Renaissance and neoclassical art with a deeply contemporary approach. His work is characterised by the deformation of human figures, the creation of dreamlike universes, and the recurring use of eyes that emerge from his characters, generating effects of pareidolia and multiple layers of interpretation in each of his compositions.
In 2024, Hoz reached a milestone in his career with his first solo exhibition in a contemporary art museum, the Centro de Arte Tomás y Valiente (CEART) in Fuenlabrada, Spain, titled « Undivining Divinity. » This exhibition explores a universe of distorted bodies and impossible architectures, evoking Western classical art while desacralising the divine and bestowing an ironic character on sacred representations. The eyes, used as symbols rather than organs of vision, play a central role in his work, acting as gateways to new forms of perception.
- Vernissage Pedro Hoz samedi 1 er février 16h 20h